China a communalist economy with a GDP of $6 trillion making it world’s second most powerful country in the world after USA with a total contribution of 9% to World’s GDP.  Its total contribution to world’s population is 18%.
Though an economy driven by technocrats has world’s largest army of 2.3 million which can further skyrocketed to 200million manpower in case of emergency. It can pass a bill to call everyone to participate in war. Thanks to its communalist system.
According to report of International Monetary Fund (IMF), China will become biggest superpower and the era of United States has come to an end. Exponentially increasing stake of China in US treasury debt in last decade created insurgency in Federal Reserve. Currently China holds 27% stake in US treasury of value $1.13tr. China created a sense of danger for USA. Beijing’s export is twice then import from USA making it difficult for USA to control the deficit.  This can also be seen by wikileaks claim that C.I.A. tried to create disruption in China’s Allies Syria and Libya to slow China’s Development. (Why USA did not attack its puppet countries Bahrain, Saudi Arabia etc). Behind NATO US tried to decrease China’s manpower in Libya which can be seen that the revolt was started in eastern Libya where most of China’s Oil companies are situated. This caused China to call 29,000 employees from Libya out of 30,000 employees in Libya.
Though there are a lot of technical advancements in China, its technology is at par with its counter countries Russia and US which downgrades overall rank to 3rd in terms of military supremacy. “Most” of its advanced weapons are bought from Russia or are replication of the weapons developed by Russia.
Dispute in South China Sea between half a dozen Asian countries including China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan is a big controversy for the fastest growing economy of the world. The only danger for China is ethnic country India which it never took very seriously till now.
 As USA is taking measures to counterpart its biggest rival, China through cold war.(write about cold war n America’s support in civil war n war of Argentina).
People Liberation Army has World’s largest available military of 2.3 million. Its annual budget of  $113b in military is only 2.2% of its GDP split in 60% in Infantry, 25%  in Navy and 15% in aerospace.
 China is trying to create better and new missiles, missiles and missiles but its fighter planes are a piece of joke in front of Russian Pilots. Russia’s increasing relation with India and Israel; India’s increasing relation with Israel bought 3 of 10 supreme powers of the world in one side. Due to obvious factors federal govt will help countries fighting against Republic of China. Nukes of Russia and undeclared chemical, biological and nuclear weapons have no answer in the world. China has support of Pakistan’s secret agency, I.S.I., most powerful Secret Agency in the world (yea better then C.I.A.) and U.S.P. of Pakistan. A developing country continued to become biggest threat to Global Superpower of the world.